Wrongful Death Lawyers in WarwickAnyone mourning the loss of a loved one due to the negligence or active intent of another deserves justice and compensation. Law Offices of Ronald J. Resmini, Accident & Injury Lawyers, Ltd. is here to put the experience and skill of our Warwick wrongful death attorneys to work for you.

There are many ways a loved one could have wrongfully been taken from you, from a driver under the influence, to the negligent behavior of a nursing home, to the violent behavior of a dog or person. Regardless of the cause, the surviving family is left to pick up the pieces, emotionally and financially. While no one can replace the individual lost, with a wrongful death lawyer, you can pursue compensation for the expenses and lost future income related to the loss of your loved one.

The Law Offices of Ronald J. Resmini, Accident & Injury Lawyers, Ltd. knows how to help those struggling through this most difficult time. We understand the pain and the confusion following the death of someone so central to your life, and we know how to craft a powerful case for compensation. We have decades of experience and some of the most prestigious personal injury lawyers in Warwick at our firm, and we want to commit our knowledge and resources to help you get closure and the financial help you need.

If you or anyone you know is just trying to get through the day after a wrongful death in the Warwick area, contact the Law Offices of Ronald J. Resmini, Accident & Injury Lawyers, Ltd. right away at (401) 751-8855 to schedule a free consultation with one of our lawyers. We’re ready to fight for you from the moment you call our office.

Warwick Office 1345 Jefferson Blvd #3, Warwick, RI 02886 (401) 352-5271
Table Of Contents

    After a Wrongful Death, You’ll Need a Lawyer’s Help

    When someone close to you dies, the last thing you’re thinking of is the law. There’s the immediate shock and pain of the loss, the worries about the future, and the stress of making unexpected funeral and burial preparations.

    You don’t have the time or the energy to deal with the potential legal complexities related to a wrongful death. Such cases require extensive legal experience and knowledge, especially since those who are at fault are often represented by expensive corporate lawyers who earn their salaries by trying to tear apart cases just like yours.

    A wrongful death lawyer will know how to gather the evidence, bring in the experts, and pursue a legal strategy that forces the hand of the powerful interests responsible for the harm done to you, your loved one, and the rest of your family.

    The Law Offices of Ronald J. Resmini, Accident & Injury Lawyers, Ltd. Have Represented Warwick Wrongful Death Victims for 50 Years

    The Law Offices of Ronald J. Resmini, Accident & Injury Lawyers, Ltd. is a family firm, so we know what it means to lose someone you love. It’s more than just the dry legal side of the wrongful death. We have been taking care of our clients and their cases for more than 50 years. It’s that focus on our clients and their pain that fuels our aggressive legal stand against those who are responsible. No matter who is at fault, and no matter how expensive their lawyers are, we have the knowledge, the strategies, and the experience to take them on and win big for our clients.

    Our quality can be seen in the long history of awards our firm has earned. Founder Ronald J. Rasmini has been named a Super Lawyer many times over. He’s the author of many prestigious books on Rhode Island personal injury law. All three of his sons have been noted as Super Lawyer Rising Stars. These awards are due to our long history of major settlements on behalf of our clients. We have won many millions of dollars for our clients over the years.

    Wrongful Death Cases We Handle

    Wrongful Death Lawyers in WarwickWrongful death is somewhat unique in that it is actually a very broad category. In addition to understanding how to handle the wrongful death aspects of the case, you also have to understand the legal aspects of the accident that led up to the death. Some of the wrongful death cases we have experience with include:

    • Motor vehicle accidents: Some of the most common wrongful death cases can involve cars, motorcycles, or commercial vehicles like trucks and buses. Many fatal accidents only occur because someone was acting negligently or recklessly. That can include those driving under the influence, speeding, or engaging in distracted driving. It may also include faulty parts, improper maintenance, or poorly maintained roads.
    • Bicycle accidents: Those riding bicycles are at greater risk for serious injuries or death when in an accident because they lack the same kind of protection other vehicles have. Whether it’s the fault of a driver, a roadway, or an animal attack, when someone is fatally harmed on a bicycle, there is often another party at fault.
    • Pedestrian accidents: Like bicyclists, pedestrians are at a greater risk for death when involved in an accident. Many drivers fail to yield the right of way at crosswalks or intersections for various reasons, causing fatal harm to pedestrians.
    • Slips, falls, and other premises liability accidents: Businesses and individuals have a duty to keep their property in a safe condition for those who visit. If they don’t, and someone dies as a result, the owner may be at fault.
    • Nursing home negligence: Nursing homes are meant to be a safe place to help the elderly and infirm, but often, corners are cut, with deadly consequences.
    • Medical malpractice: When doctors make mistakes, they can fail their patients with truly tragic consequences. Possible errors can include misdiagnosis, errors in surgery, a failure to treat, and prescribing the wrong medication.
    • Defective medical products: The drugs you take and medical devices you use should make you better. When the products are defective, they can lead to death, and that death is on the hands of the manufacturers.
    • Toxic exposure: Whether it’s asbestos in the walls, fumes from a factory, chemicals in the water, or pesticides on the ground, if someone dies because of exposure to dangerous toxins, it’s important to find out who is responsible.
    • Accidents in the workplace: The workplace can be a very dangerous place, no matter the type of work. It’s easy to slip, for things to fall, or for machines to malfunction when the premises and objects aren’t properly secured and maintained.
    • Acts of violence: If someone dies as the result of a murder, robbery, or other violent act, those who committed the crime can be punished beyond the prison cell. They can be forced to provide monetary compensation to those they harmed.
    • Animal attacks: When someone’s pet attacks, the fault lies with the owner. If that pet’s attack leads to the death of the victim, the owner must be held accountable.

    As you can see, these wrongful death cases are very diverse, but one fact is true in all of them: someone has been fatally harmed because another individual did not act appropriately. In each of the above cases, we can get compensation for the family of the victim.

    Speak with Our Wrongful Death Lawyers Today

    You don’t have to suffer the loss of your loved one alone. If you or someone you know is living with the wrongful death of a loved one in the Warwick area, the Law Offices of Ronald J. Resmini, Accident & Injury Lawyers, Ltd. knows how to help. Call us at (401) 751-8855 so we can start reviewing your case today.

    Written By: Ronald J. Resmini

    Last Updated : Tuesday, March 11, 2025